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Data Privacy
& Security

Liam acts as outside general counsel on data privacy and security matters.


Liam assists companies comply with complex and rapidly changing privacy laws in the United States, Europe and the UK

Liam's experience in this area specifically relates to:

·  California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and California

   Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

·  Other state privacy laws (Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut & Utah)

·  GDPR/EU data protection issues

·  Data privacy/information security risk assessment

·  Personal information protection policies & procedures

·  Privacy notices for consumers and employees

·  Privacy and data security Issues with vendor contracts

·  Data retention policies

·  Legal audit/monitoring of information management program

·  Due diligence for M&A transactions

·  Data breach & incident response preparedness

·  Breach notification procedures, investigation and response

·  Workplace privacy, social media, and “Bring Your Own Device”


·  Financial privacy (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Fair Credit 

   Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act


Judge's Table

Contact Us


600 17th Street | Suite 2800 South

Denver | CO 80202


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